One of my host mom's friends is catholic, so before I went to the soccer scrimmage, I visited the catholic church. I stayed for only part of the mass because my host mom had to leave. One of the interesting things I noticed was the parking lot. Since parking lots are not as big as the ones in America, cars were parked in the aisle ways all the way up to the door. Not one more car could even pull into the parking lot at all. I just wondered how they would fashionably get out.
At 11:00, I headed to the school and there were two kids from the team there to ride with me to the opposing team's school. The school was pretty far away so it was a little lengthy bike ride, but not too bad. Most of all I enjoyed talking with them. At the other school, the field was gravel also and the school building almost looked identical except for the color. My school, Tohei High School, is green. We would play 4 games against the other team and each game was about 30 minutes long. Unfortunately, my team did not score any goals, and the other team scored a lot. I was happy anyway because I got to play in the last game. I talked with other kids that were not playing during the first 3. Since these games were short, there were no subs, that is why there were 4, so different line-ups could be used. I played ok, but the other team was definitely better, so my team did not have many passes put together. I still had a good time. Before I played, I asked some of the kids on the team to take some pictures and they said ok while giggling. I glanced at them a couple of times when I was playing and they were laughing, so I expected some funny pictures. Then one of the kids took the camera and took some good shots of the game. I was pleased. I looked at the pictures and it was hilarious. Most of them were just funny faces.
When I got home, 2 families came over for a BBQ. The food was great and I talked with them for a long time. One of the families wanted me to try to go to an onsen (natural spring). I said I would be thrilled, and they were happy.
Hey son, great to see you in a soccer uniform again!!! Glad you're having a good time.
well i guess you didnt get to do that BYAHHHH fist pump for john. hopefully next time :] have fun
it's so cool to see you play again.
i miss going to your games.
you seem so happy, i'm glad.
no byahh for john. oh well. next time.
night dasiu!
♥Asia and soft served strawberry ice could life get any better???
Don't worry, something tells me that before you leave Japan you'll get the chance to win a game or two! : )
Keep having fun!
Love ya lots,
Ciocia Ann
Hey Dasiu, one more thing.
Haven't you noticed how cute it is that John hasn't signed his name to any of his posted comments but we all can figure out who's leaving those "anonymous" messages!
LMAO!! Who else would be writing about World of Warcraft and asking for fist pumping pics and byahhhhh????!!! LOL...
Just something to make you both giggle just a bit! ; )
Ciocia (again!)
Hey Adam,
It appears that you are very fond of the Japanese cuisine - so far everything that you have tried you have loved it - good thing you are keeping up with exercing... I am glad to read that you are playing soccer with your school, just give them a couple more games and you will be back on your old soccer form and they will be ready to offer you a soccer contract...
Hey Adam!
It sure is a fun blog to read. It makes me feel like you're not so far away when I read it.
I want to see some of those funny pictures your teammates took.
ADAM. We are all very proud of you AND WHAT YOU ARE DOING. You are in the top 1/10th of 1% in our country and one of our future leaders. Learn, play and enjoy for this is your time to make a difference in the world.
Andrew Partynski
Hi from uncle Jeff and aunt Judy
is there a reason that the all dirt soccer fields are surrounded by grass? haha
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