Sunday, August 26, 2007

last day with the kubo family

When it hit Monday I really felt my stay was coming to a close. I would be leaving Asahikawa Thursday. I only had a few days left to see everyone again. My host mom would be going with me to Chitose airport the upcoming Thursday and would stay at the hotel with me. In the morning I went shopping for things to bring back home that I have been looking at since the start of my stay. I biked to many stores and even to the downtown area for things. I had soccer again for today and tomorrow being my last day. Soccer was fun and I talked with kids on the team more than usual knowing that this was of the last that I would see them. After soccer I would be having dinner with the Kubo family and my host mom would go with me. We went to Kaiten sushi. It was very exciting but very sad to know it was my last day with them. The Kubo family gave me a summer robe as a present and it was very nice. The sushi was great. My host mom kept on telling me to eat more because it was my last time eating kaiten. It was sad to say bye to the Kubo's. I waved as they drove away. My host mom and I went into the super market and I picked out some last day snacks to eat. We went home and talked for a while. The next day would be my last with the Yamaguchi family.

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