Friday, June 15, 2007


After arriving in San Jose, I immediately went on a bus to San Jose University for my orientation. I got to see my brother there because he was an Alumni Assistant. I brought my suticases up to my dorm room and then got to meet many other kids. Everyone was sorted into different colored groups which we called a kumi. I was in the orange kumi with Alex and George as my kumi leader and alumni assistant. They were both very helpful and enjoyable to be with. My schedule was filled with classes for being an exchange student. There was also several classes to learn and practice Japanese.

1 comment:

Hoanghiep said...

Oh, nice !!! You got to see your brother.
Did you get any special treatment ??? XD
Anyway, seem like you have a nice "Kumi" Are you guys going to live somewhere near each other in Japan ??? :O